Saturday, April 9, 2016

Redefining Space

I've spent weeks, err... months, trying to introduce myself in the perfect blog. I had envisioned this clean design that looked like a professional created it, with this well crafted description of myself and my vision for my blog along with carefully selected photos that illustrated all of the points. Then my mom got sick, we got hit with snow storms, we were short handed at work, my design wasn't compatible with the host site, and I was struggling to find the pictures I needed to fill the spaces.

It wasn't until I was in the shower one day that I decided if I was waiting for perfection I would never get past the introduction to write what was really on my heart. After all, through the weeds means getting past the things in life that keep you knocked down or busy and finding beauty in them.

Writing has always held a special place in my life. It's where I find myself. It's where I think, and feel, and grow. It's the place I turn when the things I need to say, can't be spoken. So I set up little spaces like this- in hopes that while I grow myself, others can come along and grow with me.

My problem comes when I put formats and expectations on myself that are unrealistic. I start a pattern that I cannot keep up with. I always go deep, so I can never put up the lighter side of life. There is only room for one passion. Nobody wants to read something all over the place. Etc... And I know the only person who really expects it is, well, me. So, in an effort to utilize what I already have, it's time I redefine this space.

As human beings, we are never just one thing. We are constantly changing and evolving, moment to moment, around the situations and circumstances of our lives.

So... this is me... I am a 26 year old 911 dispatcher from East TN. I have spent most of my life within an hour of a major city (from Chicago, Knoxville, and Atlanta... even short stints in New York) It has instilled in me a love of travel, road trips, and state sign species. All 50 states are on my bucket list.
 I am a major foodie who tries to be healthy. I like to try all different cuisines and styles of eating. But I've really thrived on paleo. I'm an unofficial gym rat. I work out 6 days a week between running, Barre, kickboxing, yoga, and weightlifting. I'm all about #healthyisthenewskinny and feeling graceful and powerful in the gym.
I grew up a city girl, but I love to get out and ride whenever I can. I even learned to saddle my own horse this year. And you will rarely find me without a camera (the background is one of mine!). I also can't wait to try my hand at rock climbing again. I love to try new things, even when I have to talk myself into them.
I am  a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, fairy godmother, and most of all a God-lover. I enjoy my life being liked, loved, and known by God and giving it all back to Him.
My heart is for the broken. Those who struggle with disease, addiction, mental illness, depression, and eating disorders. I hope to one day go back to school for counseling and nutrition, so that I can help these people who have my heart. 
 I wandered through a lot to get to this place. I still struggle to fight through the list of medical diagnoses I have. But I am believing for healing. And I will praise Him regardless.

If any part of this resonates with you, stick around. I hope each time you come back you will find something new as we do life together.